“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not. – Ernest Hemingway-
- Name: Lucky (Twist and Shout Flashpaw by Target)
- Rasse: Russian Blue
- Farbe: Grau
- Geburtstag: 15. January. 2008
- GotYa Day: 01. May 2008
- Charakter: sensibel, liebenswert, gutmütig, leicht depressiv wegen seines Asthmas
- Lieblingsspiel: Laserpointer
- Name: Lucky (Twist and Shout Flashpaw by Target)
- Breed: Russian Blue
- Colour: Grey
- Birthday: 15. January. 2008
- GotYa Day: 01. May 2008
- Character: sensibel, lovable, loves good-natured, slightly depressed because of his asthma
- Favorite Game: Laserpointer
PS: Lucky trägt eine Masche der Dog Mom Company